Go Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Secure Automation

With Fusion, you can rest assured that your building automation, access control, and CCTV systems are in good hands and backed by our unwavering commitment to quality and customer service.

The Sky's The Limit

Operations & Maintenance

We can help lower your costs and keep your systems running smoothly. Our services include improving the security of your systems and providing you with data. We also specialize in industrial automation, which involves creating maintenance plans and evaluating your systems. We can help you control access to your systems and protect your assets with surveillance systems. We also offer training for operators that focuses on their equipment and processes. Our HMI development service helps create the interface your operators use.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?


Fusion performs maintenance and repairs on a variety of Industrial systems, including public address, surveillance, access control, and several types of Controls Systems. Our responsibility is to have your critical systems in working order, and that is an important driver of our ongoing training and certification program.​

Facility Operations

Action-oriented Operations Specialists provide on-site operations support for your ICS system. Delivering effective customer service, with an emphasis in problem-solving and troubleshooting.

Enterprise Deployment

Regardless of Geographical separation of your facilities, you need secure and reliable access to your data and controls. Our technicians are ready and trained to install redundant servers with encrypted communications back to your headquarters.

HMI Development

We know about your hectic schedule. We also know the only way to truly understand your HMI requirements is by practicing with it in a real environment. This is why we've developed a T&M contract team that can help you develop and revise your HMI over time and as needed.

Meet Our Clients

They Believe In Us

Fusion is a services and solutions provider based in the National Capitol Region. We offer installation, as well as Operations and Maintenance support for Building Automation, Access control, and CCTV systems.

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